Rights, Duties and Liabilities: Users&Library

Users Rights, Duties and Liabilities


1. Library users are students, residents, graduate students, teachers, IHSM staff and others.


2. Users have the right for:

- access to the library fund, reference and search apparatus (card catalog and electronic catalog), other library information resources;

- access to training, scientific, educational, reference and periodical literature, as well as to other types of documents;

- access and view electronic documents in the reading and computer rooms;

- lending/borrowing books in the reading room;

- receiving advice and assistance in the search and selection of literature in card catalog and electronic catalogs.


3. Users are prohibited to:

- transfer a reader’s card to another person and use someone else's reader’s card;

- speak loudly and disturb other users;

- enter without permission into the office premises and the main book depositories of the library;

- hang posters, announcements and other materials of an advertising and commercial nature in the library without the permission of the IHSM management.


4. Users must:

- take care of books and other printed publications, as well as the property and equipment of the library;

- upon receipt of the book, it is necessary to check the condition of the book and report the librarian about the defects in it (damaged or torn out pages, inscriptions or blots on the pages, etc.);

- return books in a timely manner and at the end of each academic semester.

2.5. Users are liable in accordance with:

- the legislation of the KR;

- the Library Provisions.


 Library Duties and Liability


1. The library serves users in accordance with the IHSM Library Regulations and the Library Procedures.

2. Library must:

- provide users with access to the library collections;

- issue, at the users request, the literature available in the library funds;

- inform users about library and information resources;

- provide consulting and reference assistance in the search for printed and electronic documents;

- exercise constant control over the safety and timely return of books and other documents;

- study the requests and needs of users to improve library, information and bibliographic services;

-provide a high culture of service and comfortable conditions for library users.


3. Library is liable in accordance with:

- the legislation of the KR;

- the Library Provisions.