Reading Room Procedures

 Reading Room Procedures


1. To order a book, the user must provide a reader’s card.


2. Upon receipt of the book, the user must put his signature and the date of receipt of the books in the book form.


3. Upon receipt of the book, it is necessary to check the condition of the book and inform the librarian about the defects in it (damaged or torn out pages, inscriptions or blots on the pages, etc.).


4. When leaving the reading room for a long time, the user must return the lent books to the librarian.


5. Books and other documents from the reading room and the open access fund are not lent for external use.


6. The following is prohibited:

- take out books and other documents from the reading room and the open access fund;

- speak loudly in the reading room and disturb other users;

- use mobile phones in the reading room;

- draw, scribble and write inscriptions on the tables of the reading room and in the books;

- eat and drink at the tables in the reading room.


7. For violation of the Reading room procedures, the penalty is determined by the IHSM management.


- volume up audio and video on computers;

- upload audio and video that do not correspond to training, educational and scientific content;

- play computer games.

7.5. For violation of e-library procedures and the computer room procedures, the penalty is determined by the IHSM management.