Promoting Information Retrieval Tools for Libraries
IHSM Science Library staff participated on 27 November 2024 in the webinar ‘Promoting Information Retrieval Tools for Libraries’ organised by the IFLA Asia Oceania Regional Division Committee, which was dedicated to one of the most relevant topics of modern librarianship - discovery tools for effective information retrieval.
The purpose of the webinar was to introduce the library community to promising technologies that improve the quality of information and library services, as well as to initiate the presentation and discussion of other interesting and effective projects in this field under the auspices of IFLA.
The webinar was attended by representatives Algeria, Australia, Azerbaijan, Hong Kong (China), India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Lebanon, Uzbekistan, OAU, Pakistan, Russia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, South Korea.
The webinar was moderated by Peter Lapo, Deputy Director of the Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University Library (Kazakhstan), Member of the IFLA Asia Oceania Regional Division Committee.
The webinar presentations covered both the experience of using such tools in library practice and promising developments of commercial companies and non-profit organisations in this area.
The webinar featured presentations on the following topics:
- Blacklight: A Multi-Institutional Open-Source Collaboration Building a Better Discovery Platform Framework (Terence Ingram, Director Projects and Innovation, Digital, Kathryn Favelle, Director Reader Services at the National Library of Australia)
- Using RDA to Improve Discovery (Haliza Jailani, Senior Deputy Director of the Resource Discovery and Management Division, Ng Hui Ling, Assistant Director for Metadata Services at National Library Board of Singapore)
- SMU Libraries’ Experience with AI Search Software (Aaron Tay Chee Hsien, Head of Data Services at the Singapore Management University Libraries)
- Imagining Library Futures Using AI and Machine Learning (Yu-Chen, Huang, the Senior User Services Specialist at OCLC)
- Combining Trusted Contents and Generative AI in the Primo Research Assistant (Timothee Lecaudey, A&G Software APAC PreSales Team Leader at Clarivate company)